The Rules

Yes, this blog has rules, I’m afraid. I didn’t spend years in student politics and the civil service for nothing, you know.

Seriously, you can safely ignore this. It’s a just a few ground rules for how this blog works. There are three pages of rules:

Reviews policy

In a nutshell: This blog is place for reviews of plays that are good. This means that any plays I don’t like usually don’t get reviewed at all. There’s a few other exclusions (plays I’m involved in, plays where people I know are involved in, stuff that’s not theatre) but you get the idea.

Comments policy

In a nutshell: Although this blog concentrates on reviewing plays that are good, negative comments about plays are allowed provided they are constructive. Partisan posts are liable to be deleted quickly, and I reserve the right to expose anyone trying to pass themselves off as someone they’re not. So don’t do it.

Inviting me to review a play

In a nutshell: Yes, I do review plays at the Edinburgh Fringe if asked, but I set a limit on how many plays I see this way. Other than the, the same rules apply.

Recommendations policy

In a nutshell: My recommendations are mostly based on plays and performers I’ve seen before and liked. As such, my “What’s worth watching” posts should be consider a cross-section of the best plays out there, not an exhaustive list.

Making a complaint

In a nutshell: If you are not happy with something I’ve written, the first stage is to raise this with me. If I cannot provide a resolution to your satisfaction, you can go to an external arbiter.

See also:

There are also two pages in the “About this blog” section that gives some context: What Chrisontheatre is and What Chrisontheatre is not. The latter one is especially recommended for anyone hoping/expecting me to support and promote their latest venture.

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